video production + photography


How we use Evernote

Organization is a big part of our business. We are constantly refining how we organize everything and always trying to improve.  We use a number of different tools to stay organized from moleskins to calendars. A big part of our Organization though is Evernnote. 

If you don't know, Evernote is essentially an online notebook. You can create multiple notebooks and notes in each book. The real power of evernote though is its searchability for what you are looking for. 

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Thomas O'Hara
New Website

The Launch of our new site!

Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by! There have been some changes over here at Cooper and O'Hara. We have just Changed platforms from Wordpress to Squarespace. Wordpress has always worked well for us, but we found ourselves never updating it, as some tasks were just to difficult for our photographer brains. We are now choosing to take squarespace for a test drive. After peer reviews and testing it ourselves we are finding it a much simpler platform to perform our daily tasks on. 

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Thomas O'Hara